Getting in touch…
Hopefully by now, you have had a good look around my site and got a better idea of the way I work, why I offer a free initial session and what happens in general.
Whether you have some further questions or want to arrange a free initial consultation, well done on making that decision. I know what it is like, therefore I aim to make these steps forward as easy as possible.
I aim to reply within 48hrs. Please remember to check your spam/junk folder.
In the interest of your own privacy, I want to remind you that the internet, in general, is never fully safe. Please be aware of this with information you choose to send. —See privacy policy if you require more details.
Phone: 07832918423
Due to the nature of my work, email is a preferred and more efficient way of contacting me. However, if you try to call and I can’t answer at the time, please only leave a voicemail or send a text if you feel comfortable doing so. Any voicemails or texts will be deleted once I have listened to or read them. It would also be helpful if you let me know how and when you would prefer to be contacted.
Alternatively, pop a message in the form below:
Messages are sent directly to my secure inbox and not shared with any third parties.
Due to the nature of my work I may be unable to answer immediately. I do aim to reply as soon as I can and within 48hrs. It would also be helpful if you let me know in your message how and when you would prefer to be contacted.
Unfortunately, I do not take bookings on behalf of someone else. Please pass on my details for them to make contact.
Currently I only work with adults 16+ years.
I hope you feel comfortable enough with one of the methods for contacting me above. All correspondence methods are treated as strictly confidential and my process is GDPR compliant. No details stored are seen by anyone other than myself — please see my Policies Page for more information.