Answers can be within, professional help can find them.
Person-Centred Approach and Counselling.
When do you ever get the space to say exactly what is on your mind? Possibly not a lot? and how often would you receive genuine, honest acceptance and warmth without being judged. When this happens it can be a powerful and rewarding experience and forms the basis of counselling.
We evolved to talk and communicate, so talking therapy should be obvious right? Unfortunately in this day and age, the type of talking that really helps doesn’t always happen. That chat to your mate or family doesn’t always go where it needs to. That’s where I come in, with the knowledge and experience your friends and family probably don’t have.
The counselling process enables new understanding and growth and was also developed as the person-centred approach. Producing benefits for a wide range of personal issues, this allows you to find ‘answers’ within yourself . As a trained counsellor, I truly listen to what you are experiencing with genuineness and acceptance to your perspective. With you at the centre of our work, this enables deeper exploration of what is going on for you. I understand it may seem scary or you may doubt if you can talk so openly. Thats why it’s my job to gently allow the process to develop naturally, safely and at your own pace.
All humans have a natural ability to grow and progress but sometimes it can be a struggle to get out that feeling of being stuck with something like anxiety or depression. Think of the humble potato, it strives to grow, sprouting shoots even when kept in a dark cupboard. I am in no way calling you a potato, but as humans we have the same natural drive to be at our best. That’s when professional counselling can help, getting you out of the cupboard and back into the right place to grow and move forward.
I see this as the foundations of good therapy, we explore your issue, not spending ages going over it but by finding what is important to you. As an integrative therapist I am with you to enable this process and help you further understand and resolve your issue.
Moving forward we strategically and safely set your goals and work together practically, using research-based techniques. Such as the vast array derived from CBT and CFT.
Some like to call it a journey and without getting too hippy, it is, one I am passionate about joining you on. Unfortunately most of us, haven’t yet realised the benefits of investing time in ourselves through therapy, or how enlightening and rewarding it can be.
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