“Do you ever give yourself a break?”
What is Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)?
Through life we are taught to be kind and respectful to others but how often do you ever give yourself a break and treat yourself that way. Probably not a lot?
Over the past ten years compassion focused therapy has developed a growing evidence-base as a psychological therapy to alleviate mental health difficulties, common life problems and promote wellbeing. Now used in hospitals, schools, prisons and businesses highlights the benefits involved.
The approach itself is integrated from different theories and practices. Drawing from attachment theory, evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, Buddhist psychology, and neuroscience. Sounds like a lot right? But the great thing is, it is not a set approach and can be used and adapted to fit your needs if required.
Do you sometimes find yourself understanding what you should do but just don’t believe it? CFT is particularly helpful when we KNOW what we need to do or think, but we don't really FEEL it. Like there is a mis-match between our heads (thinking) and hearts (emotions).
Working as an integrative therapist, CFT fits in perfectly with the cognitive and behavioural aspects of CBT. Working together in a person-centred manner, we may find that life problems, shame, self-criticism or self-hate, to name a few commonly associated with many issues including anxiety and depression, may be involved in your life. CFT develops the ability to alleviate the distress you are feeling about yourself, learning that we have evolved with a capacity for compassion. Fully supported in your learning, the techniques allow you not just to be kinder to yourself but also to others, while achieving a healthier way of being.
What is compassion?
Compassion is often thought of as, a bit ‘airy-fairy’ or ‘lovey-dovey’. Yet, within CFT, it is about developing a sensitivity to distress, then actively pursuing a course of action to relieve and prevent it. Moving towards and tackling something distressing doesn’t sound so airy-fairy now does it? That’s why compassion actually shows courage. Together we work safely developing your self-compassion by applying CFT theory and techniques to your treatment plan and goals. Enabling you to learn, grow and treat yourself as you would a close family member or friend. Finally giving yourself that needed break.
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